2003 |
04/12/2003 |
You’re not going
to believe it ! Some updates ! Btw, if someone wants
to spend some time to make this site look a bit better, he’s very welcome.
Please contact me if you’re
interested. ·
New screenshot
from 3Dlib 0.6: Fixed lots of small bugs, implemented 2D clipping. Full
sources and programs near to come… |
2001 |
03/24/2001 |
Updated 3DLib Demo to revision 0.56: Fixed a small
perspective bug. |
2001 |
02/26/2001 |
Updated the KBD project: This project will no longer
be sold. ·
New site map en search option at the top of the
pages. |
2000 |
12/21/2000 |
New "News of this month" in the HomePage ·
New screenshot of 3DLib Demo v0.5, and key mapping for
both TI92P/89 |
12/20/2000 |
Productive indeed: Ported 3DLib Demo to TI89 and its
revision number to v0.5, download it in the same package as for TI92PLUS. |
12/18/2000 |
Wahou!! Vacations are coming :) ·
3DLib demo v0.4 release, at least ! Graylevel added
(impressive...:)) Optimized the code, flight for it here ! If
someone could use fglib in a game or a prgm we would greatly
appreciate...even if it's hard to interface it. It's been *a lot* of work :P |
12/17/2000 |
Fixed a deadline for booking a DBA Kbd: It will be
the 31 of Decembre 2000. Hurry to get one :) |
2000 |
11/10/2000 |
Updated the RTC72423 shematic and its package, there
were errors... :) You can still download it here. |
11/06/2000 |
Finally, updated the project of the RTC72423.Take
a look at its page on the project page. |
11/30/2000 |
It's nearly Xmas... You're looking for the *perfect*
gift for your girlfriend ? DBA gots the solutions: Offer her a wonderfull DBA
KBD :)) Check it through the project page and drop us a mail to Fred or KTy. ·
External Kbd page updated. ·
3DLib is still on its way. |
2000 |
10/11/2000 |
Updated the package of the DBA Keyboard, feel free
to grabe it, here. This
project is over :) Any question ? Ask us. ·
New screenchot of the future version of 3DLib
(FGLib + engine)...As you can see, gray level has been implemented :) By the
way, does anyone have a fast routine to fill triangle ? It is to compare with
our code... |
2000 |
09/27/2000 |
The kbd project is almost finished ! Check out its
project page. |
09/16/2000 |
We made a package named DBALink that you can
download here. It contains the programs we wrote to deal with TIBs
and Flash Apps. |
2000 |
06/11/2000 |
3DLib demo updated to version 0.3: Bugs fixed in
engine, added zoom in/out keys, engine sources released. ·
DBA keyboard section updated: New schematic and
pictures. |
06/07/2000 |
Our site has eventually been updated. You should
have a look at those sections : 3DLib, PICDebugger, 2DFFT... ·
The animated gif on this news page are now in the
3DLib section and we only kept one frame per show here. |
2000 |
05/04/2000 |
A pre-version of our PICDebugger is downloadable here. To
run it, just type "java -jar PICDebugger.jar". I do not know
exactly which version of the JDK you need to run it, but you should try with
the last one anyway :-D |
2000 |
04/24/2000 |
You can have a look at a pre-version of our PIC16F84
Debugger here. |
04/02/2000 |
AS92 has been
ported to AMS 2.03 (some changes have been done, check the documentation on
the project page->as92 or in the zipfile) and now
supports MACROs :). |
2000 |
03/28/2000 |
Here is a new release of 3D Lib ! Have a look at the
screenshots below. · BTW, this page is getting longer and longer to download :(. We should open a new project section to put all these screenshots. Be patient :). |
03/25/2000 |
A first release of the 3D program you've seen in
action below is here ! |
03/11/2000 |
We have not released all the documentation about the
hardware, but we are very busy right now... Check this page as often as you
can :-) ·
The external keyboard has been entirely redesigned
and it works. ·
This page has not been updated for a long time...
But we are working ! Have a look at these pictures : |
December 1999 |
12/09/1999 |
A new RTC has been mapped, check out its section. |
November 1999 |
11/20/1999 |
The DBA WebSite is now hosted by ticalc. ·
AU3's page has been updated so that the people who
encounter problems with the "incompatible boot sector" message
won't mail us any more (we know this problem and over 40 persons have
reported it to us). ·
VI92's documentation is still incomplete and the
shematics of our hardware projects are not yet on-line (sorry). |
October 1999 |
10/24/1999 |
DB92 has been released. Added a link to a zip file
for the clock project. |
10/16/1999 |
The site has been eventually uploaded to the
WorldWideWeb ! |
August 1999 |
08/26/1999 |
This site has just been created ! Since it is the
very first time that you can travel through it, there are *major* updates :) |